Dear Voter,

Anyone can set out a list of issues at a given time.

Far beyond that though, is the truth that style of approach and motivation matters.

Being willing to listen and to reflect on a position are of enduring importance.

I am someone who feels strongly compelled to understand and get to the heart of issues, to seek the right and just course of action, who speaks up and challenges when things are wrong (even against the odds!) and who seeks to influence and persist for the best course of action. This is what drives me. It relies on curiosity, an openness to be informed, and at times, a strong will, because it is not always easy. I have demonstrated this in my Legislative Council and Tynwald roles already.

I have already thoroughly enjoyed getting to understand the different communities in Glenfaba & Peel in a deeper way. I recognise that these communities are different and have different needs. I value that, and if elected I pledge to take care in that regard across the constituency, to be around and to carry out the role of MHK in a conscientious way with strong representation. It is in the spirit of this approach, and with these values, along with presenting my manifesto, that I ask you to put your trust in me to be your House of Keys representative in the service and interests of Glenfaba & Peel, and the Isle of Man.

Thank you and best wishes,

Vote by post

Applying to vote by post means you can still you cast your vote even if you cannot attend the Polling Station on 23rd September (or do not wish to) due to COVID or other circumstances / preferences.

To secure your vote by post, click here for the application form and info, or please contact me for printed copies.

Closing dates for receipt of postal voting applications:
within the Isle of Man: 15 Sept
within British Isles: 9 Sept
if overseas: 31 August

Why should I vote?

The decisions that are made by Members elected to the House of Keys have a big impact on our daily lives. MHKs make policy, pass laws and regulations, decide how income from taxpayers is spent on public services, and debate issues of national and international importance.

Elections are your opportunity to make your feelings known on the issues that matter to you and by voting you can influence the decisions that will shape the Island’s future.

Where can I vote?

There are 3 ways you can vote in this years general election, either in person at your allocated polling station, by applying to appoint a proxy to vote on your behalf or by post. You can register to vote by post using this form. If you are voting in person, the polling stations will be open from 8am to 8pm on Thursday 23rd September 2021. You can find information on your polling ward here.

What happens if I'm in isolation on Election Day?

The best way to ensure you will be able to vote on election day is to register to vote by post. Have a postal vote means you will be sure of your vote even if you are in isolation on election day. Due to the current situation around Covid 19 you may also feel safer to cast your vote by post. Postal votes must be registered for in advance, please click this link to find out how to register to vote by post. You must also check the closing date for the receipt of postal voting applications so your vote is received in time.

I will be on holiday on Sept 23rd, can I still vote?

If you are unable to vote in person at your allotted polling station or as a postal voter, you may be eligible to apply to appoint a proxy to vote on your behalf in the House of Keys General Election on Thursday 23 September 2021. Please check this page for more information and to apply for a proxy vote.

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